Standing Committee
SECAM President

His Eminence Fridolin Cardinal AMBONGO, SECAM PRESIDENT
Archbishop of Kinshasa, DRC
SECAM 1st Vice President

Most Rev. Lucio Andrice MUANDULA
Bishop of Xai Xai, Mozambique
SECAM 2nd Vice President

Most Rev. Stephen Dami MAMZA
Bishop of Yola, Nigeria
ACEAC Representative

Most. Rev. Vincent HAROLIMANA
Bishop of Ruhengeri, Rwanda
ACERAC Representative

Most Rev. Edmond Djitangar GOETBE
Bishop of Ndjamena, Chad
AHCE Representative

Most Rev. Claudio LURATI, M.C.C.I.
Apostolic Vicar of Alexandria, Egypt
AMECEA Representative

Most. Rev. Maurice Muhatia MAKUMBA
Archbishop of Kisumu (Kenya)
CEDOI Representative

Most. Rev. Benjamin Marc RAMAROSON, C.M.
Archbishop of Antsiranana, Madagascar
CERNA Representative

Most Rev. Cardinal Cristóbal LÓPEZ ROMERO
Archbishop of Rabat, Morocco
IMBISA Representative

Most Rev. Willem CHRISTIAANS O.S.F.S.
Bishop of Keetmanshoop, Namibia
RECOWA Representative

Most. Rev. Jose LAMPRA CA
Bishop of Bissau, Guinea-Bissau
SECAM Treasurer

Most Rev. Gabriel Edoe KUMORDJI
Bishop of Keta-Akatsi, Ghana
CEPACS President

Most. Rev. Emmanuel BADEJO
Bishop of Oyo, Nigeria