Christmas and New Year wishes from SECAM Secretariat!


We also wish all of you and your family members a joyful and spirit-filled Christmas and New Year, 2023.

Be assured of our prayers during the season and always.



Vœux de Noël et de Nouvel An de la part du SCEAM !

Nous vous souhaitons personnellement et également, à votre famille un Joyeux Noël et une Bonne Année 2023 remplie de joie et de bonheur.

Soyez assurés de nos prières pendant la saison et toujours.


Desejos de Feliz Natal e Próspero Ano Novo da parte do Secretariado do SCEAM.

Festas felizes também aos vossos colaboradores e familiares.

Estejais certos das nossas orações.



Rev. Fr. Rafael Simbine Junior

Secretary General of SECAM

Secrétaire Général du SCEAM.

Secretário-Geral do SCEAM.

The Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) is overjoyed about the recent visit of Pope Francis to three African Countries, where he was enthusiastically welcomed by massive crowds that sometimes waited patiently, stretching into the distance from the early hours, especially, in Antananarivo, Madagascar. The Holy Father himself said he was in Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius from September 4-10 2019, as a pilgrim of peace and hope, while drawing the attention of the people of the three countries (and indeed the whole of Africa) to Christ as the hope of the world, and his Gospel as “the most powerful leaven of brotherhood, freedom, justice and peace for all peoples” (General Audience a day after the visit, September 11 2019).  

In Mozambique, a country that suffered so much in the past because of a protracted armed conflict, and was recently hit by two devastating cyclones killing many people, Pope Francis said, he went to “sow seeds of hope, peace and reconciliation”. This is a profound and consoling statement not just for Mozambique but other African countries in similar circumstances. And for a country preparing for elections, the Holy Father’s call for peace and reconciliation in Mozambique is timely and urgent, as expressed by Rt. Rev. Sithembele Sipuka, Bishop of Mthatha, South Africa, and 1st Vice President of SECAM.

To overcome conflict, the Holy Father encouraged the authorities of Mozambique to tow the path of peace, “urging them to work together for the common good”, while thanking all those who worked very hard in the peace process in country, which was signed on 1st August 2019. He similarly exhorted the young people, who gathered from different religious backgrounds to welcome him to contribute to the building of the country and the traditions of the elderly, to overcome pessimism and anxiety, and spread social friendship. In a related development, Pope Francis lauded the joy and enthusiasm of the Malagasy youth, reminding them (and all other young people in Africa) of God’s love for each of them and how precious everyone is to him. He encouraged them to look for, and strive after the good in them and in other people; to always avoid the temptations that can draw them and other people around them away from Jesus.

In Madagascar, a country rich in beauty and natural resources and animated by the traditional spirit of solidarity but marked by much poverty, Pope Francis urged the people to “overcome adversity and build a culture of development by combining respect for the environment and social justice”. Bishop Sithembele Sipuka was “glad that the Pope visited Madagascar”, which he said “is an isolated and a struggling country. It was good for the Holy Father to give his paternal attention to Madagascar. It is a lesson for us in Africa to be informed about the needful situation of neighbouring countries in Africa and to support each other”. All this invites us to step up efforts towards solidarity, which is primarly about valuing our fellow human beings and respecting who they are as individuals (Sollicitudo rei socialis, 1987).

In Mauritius, Pope Francis visited a “place of integration between different ethnic groups and cultures”. The Holy Father noted a strong inter-religious dialogue and friendship between the various faith communities, when he found a beautiful bouquet for him in the Bishop’s house sent by the Great Imam as a sign of brotherhood. Here the Pope described the Beatitudes as the identity card of Christ’s disciples, and an antidote to the temptation to selfish and discriminatory well-being. “It is also the leaven of true happiness, imbued with mercy, justice and peace”. In his meeting with the leaders of the country, the Holy Father appreciated their commitment to harmonize differences as a common enterprise and encouraged them to continue in their efforts to welcome people, and maintain and develop their democratic life. Another lesson for the entire Africa.

At the end of his visit (the second to sub-Saharan Africa), Pope Francis urged those present at the General Audience on 11th September 2019 to thank God and ask Him that the seeds sown in the apostolic journey may bring abundant fruit for the peoples of Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius (and we make bold to add, the entire Africa).

We on our part in Africa and its Islands continue to thank God for the success of the apostolic visit and entrust it to the maternal solicitude of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary so that it may bear enduring fruits for the continent. Amen

O Papa Francisco, a 1 de Setembro 2019, tornou públicos 13 nomes de prelados a serem feitos Cardeais a 5 de Outubro, 2019. Entre eles 10 (dez) não poderão votar no próximo conclave e os outros três têm mais e 80 anos, por isso inaptos a votar no conclave, mas que, de acordo com o Papa Francisco, se distinguiram no serviço da Igreja.

Dois Bispos Africanos entre os que serão feitos cardeais são Arcebispo Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, o.f.m. cap, de Kinshasa na República Democrática do Congo e o Arcebispo Cristóbal López Romero, sdb, de Rabat em Marrocos.

Outros a serem feitos Cardeais são:

Bispo Miguel Angel Ayuso Guixot, mccj, Presidente do Conselho Pontifício para o Diálogo Ecuménico / Inter-religioso, Arcebispo José Tolentino Mendonça, Arquivista e Bibliotecário da Santa Sé (Igreja Católica), Arcebispo Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo – Arcebispo de Jakarta, Arcebispo Juan de la Caridad García Rodríguez – Arcebispo de San Cristóbal of Habana, Arcebispo Jean-Claude Höllerich, sj – Arcebispo do Luxembourg, Bispo Álvaro L. Ramazzini Imeri – Bispo de Huehuetenamgo, Arcebispo Matteo Zuppi – Arcebispo de Bologna, Padre Michael Czerny, sj – Subsecretário para a Secção dos Migrantes e Refugiados do Dicastério para a Promoção do Desenvolvimento Humano Integral, Arcebispo Michael Louis Fitzgerald – Ex Núncio Apostólico no Egipto, Arcebispo Sigitas Tamkevičius, sj – Arcebispo Emérito de Kaunas, Bispo Eugénio Dal Corso, psdp – Bispo Emérito de Benguela.

Pope Francis on 1st September 2019 released 13 names of prelates to be created Cardinals on 5th October 2019. Among them are 10 who will be eligible to vote in a future conclave and three others who are above the age of 80, and thus ineligible to vote in a conclave, but who, according to Pope Francis have distinguished themselves in service to the Church.

Two African Bishops among those to be made cardinals are Archbishop Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, o.f.m. cap, of Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Archbishop Cristóbal López Romero, sdb, of Rabat in Morocco.

The 1st Vice President of SECAM and Bishop of Mthatha in South Africa, Bishop Sithembele Sipuka, has indicated following the nominations that, raising the Bishops to the rank of Cardinals, Pope Francis is creating an opportunity for them to be more visible and “a platform for them to be heard, and thus to be able to influence the direction of policies at higher levels of government”. He is thus optimistic that, the named Cardinals will play an important role in their countries which require the presence and participation of the Church at a higher level.

Others to be created Cardinals are: Bishop Miguel Angel Ayuso Guixot, mccj, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Archbishop José Tolentino Medonça, Archivist and Librarian of the Holy Roman Church, Archbishop Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo – Archbishop of Jakarta, Archbishop Juan de la Caridad García Rodríguez – Archbishop de San Cristóbal of Habana, Archbishop Jean-Claude Höllerich, sj – Archbishop of Luxembourg, Bishop Alvaro L. Ramazzini Imeri – Bishop of Huehuetenamgo, Archbishop Matteo Zuppi – Archbishop of Bologna, Father Michael Czerny, sj – Undersecretary of the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Archbishop Michael Louis Fitzgerald – Former Apostolic Nuncio of Egypt, Archbishop Sigitas Tamkevičius, sj – Archbishop Emeritus of Kaunas, Bishop Eugenio Dal Corso, psdp – Bishop Emeritus of Benguela.

Dans un communiqué, les archevêques et évêques de l’Assemblée épiscopale provinciale de Bukavu, dans l’est de la République Démocratique du Congo dressent un bilan de la situation dans leur région. Tout en reconnaissant un certain respect du calendrier électoral par le gouvernement, ils dénoncent une classe politique méprisante des besoins de la population.

«Nous refusons de mourir». Le message des archevêques et évêques de l’Assemblée épiscopale de la province de Bukavu à l’est de la République Démocratique du Congo est éloquent. A l’issue de leur session ordinaire à Goma, du 14 au 20 mai 2018, les évêques se sont adressé aux fidèles catholiques et à la population congolaise.

Des inquiétudes…

Les religieux font part de leurs inquiétudes concernant la situation dans le Nord Kivu, en proie à des violences. Ils alertent à propos du morcellement du pays : «une certaine tendance politique (…) est en train de pousser au morcellement et à l’éclatement de la Province, pour ses intérêts particuliers». Les évêques dénoncent le danger d’attiser les rivalités interethniques, qui risquent de conduire à des violences comme dans le passé dans le territoire de Beni, en Ituri ou au Kasaï.

Autre reproche fait aux leaders congolais: une politique économique organisée au «détriment des Congolais mais au profit des économies étrangères». Selon les évêques, le pays est vidé de ses ressources naturelles tels que les mines ou le pétrole. Les surtaxes des agents publics étranglent l’économie congolaise affirment-ils. Les mots choisis sont lourds: la gestion des politiques «entraîne la misère des populations congolaises et le banditisme de tout bord». La gouvernance flottante, continuent les évêques, favorise l’insécurité permanente causée par des groupes armés et des bandes criminelles. Avec émotion, ils reviennent sur l’enlèvement et la mutilation criminelle d’enfants dans le territoire d’Uvira et de Fizi et l’assassinat dans le Nord Kivu de l’Abbé Etienne Nsengiyumva le 8 avril dernier.

… mais aussi un message d’espoir 

Cependant, l’Assemblée épiscopale de Bukavu se réjouit de la «relative tranquillité», «qui favorise le déplacement des populations dans le train quotidien de lutte pour la survie» autour des provinces de Bukavu et Mwenga. «Surtout, nous nous félicitons du respect du calendrier par la classe politique congolaise sur les dates précises des élections générales», fixées au 23 décembre 2018, même si «il n’y a guère de garanties que ces élections auront bien lieu sans entraves aux dates programmées!».

Enfin, les évêques tiennent à adresser un message d’espoir: «Nous ne devons pas céder au fatalisme. Il est temps de construire notre propre histoire.» concluent-ils, «Travaillons ensemble à bâtir une nouvelle culture de paix, de citoyenneté et de fraternité».

This year’s Ecumenical Service between the Christian Council of Ghana and the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference took place at the Mary Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Church (MMGCCC), Airport West –Accra. The annual event which brings together stakeholders from the Christian Council of Ghana (CCG) on one hand and the Catholic Church in Ghana on the other hand, had quite a representation from both parties.

The Ecumenical Service held on Wednesday May 16, 2018 and presided over by the Archbishop of Cape Coast, Most Rev. Matthias Nketsiah had the theme, “Unity with Christ and with each other for peace and mutual upbringing”, (Romans 14:19). In his opening prayer Bishop Nketsiah asked God for unity and peace among Christians.

The Secretary General of GCBC, Rev. Fr. Lazarus Anondee, in an address to relate the purpose of the gathering said that the gathering of the CCG and GCBC was done every year to enable them deliberate on very important and pertinent issues in the areas of health, religion, society  and so on that affect the country. He also alluded to the fact that the gathering was a demonstration of the prayer that our Lord Jesus prayed in the Book of John 17, that His disciples may be one just as He and His Father were one.

In his sermon to conclude the day-long gathering, Rt. Rev. Dr. Seth Agidi, the Chairman of CCG, entreated that despite the divisions that exist among Christians and in society in general due to segregation based on power, wealth, occupations and status, Christian unity could be achieved through our love for God, expressed in love, fellowship, tolerance and righteous towards one another.

The event was animated by MMGCCC Mass Choir, who sang melodiously to inspire the gathering.

Intercessory prayers were offered for political Leaders in Ghana; Christian Leaders; unity among Christians; peace, stability and development in Ghana and for the vulnerable and marginalized persons.

By CCO News