Rectors, chaplains and other officials from Catholic universities across the African continent and its islands are gathering in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, for an important seminar. The main objective is to promote quality education and the evangelizing mission, revitalizing Catholic universities in Africa.
Organized by the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) on the theme “Promoting the Evangelizing Mission of the Catholic University”, this meeting took place at Kurasini Training and Conference Center in Dar Es Salaam.
The seminar addresses the increasing secularization of Catholic educational institutions, particularly due to Western influences. It aims to reinforce the Catholic identity and mission of the Catholic schools and universities of Africa and Madagascar. Another objective is to ensure the educational institutions of the Church remain committed to evangelization and nurturing future generations in the Gospel spirit of freedom and charity.
Addressing participants during his presentation, the Secretary General of SECAM, Fr. Rafael Simbine Junior, said that “education should foster both intellectual and spiritual development, shaping moral consciences and instilling human and cultural values illuminated by the Gospel”, referring to the African Bishops document called “Kampala Document” (2019).
Fr. Rafael Simbine Junior, SECAM Secretary General, during his presentation at the SECAM Seminar for Rectors, chaplains and other officials from Catholic universities across Africa
On behalf of the President of SECAM, Fridolin Cardinal Ambongo, Fr. Simbine recalled to participants that the bishops of Africa and Madagascar in the Kampala Document urged Catholic educational institutions to be centers for transmitting knowledge imbued with truth, underpinned by a Christian conscience, and guided by the Social Teaching of the Church. And “they are tasked with making the Gospel message of Jesus Christ present and advancing in various cultural realms”, specified SECAM Secretary General.
This document tasks the entire educational community with presenting faith as an appealing option, mirroring the humble and supportive example set by Jesus Christ and his disciples.
“With this seminar, we wish to give back to the Catholic Universities in Africa their noble mission to be vibrant communities with the Gospel spirit. Places where students are helped to blossom in their baptismal newness, weaving human culture with the message of salvation. Centers where true education seeks the formation of the human person with respect to his ultimate goals and the good of the societies to which he belongs,” Fr. Simbine highlighted.
Similarly, the Vatican II Declaration on Christian Education, “Gravissimum Educationis,” recognizes that Catholic schools serve diverse cultures and must proclaim the Gospel not just through words but through the exemplary lives of educators.
After the presentations, participants discussed in small groups about some questions such as: “Catholic University Identity and Global Challenges”, “the Role of Chaplains in the Education and Development of a Faithful Community at a Catholic University”, etc.
The Catholic Church is a significant partner in global education, operating a great number of schools from nursery to university levels.
Charles Ayetan
Working groups during the SECAM Seminar for Rectors, chaplains and other officials from Catholic universities across Africa
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[…] Fuente: Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM/SCEAM) […]