January 20, 2023

Our special thanks go to God Almighty, His Holiness Pope Francis, African leaders, Chiefs and the People of God in Africa and its Islands. We say God bless you. ’Ayekoo!!’
January 13, 2023

Puisse le Dieu de miséricorde accorder à son bon et fidèle serviteur, le Cardinal Richard Baawobr, le repos bien mérité dans son royaume de paix et de joie.
January 13, 2023

Dear Cardinal Richard may the God of mercies grant you a well-deserved rest in His kingdom of peace and joy.
January 13, 2023

Que o Deus misericordiosoconceda ao seubom e fiel servo, o Cardeal Richard BAAWOBR, um merecidodescanso no seureino de paz e alegria.
January 13, 2023

Ganasoubehonrar o seuilustrefilho, que serviu o seupaís, a África e o mundo.SCEAM terá sempre orgulhoemtertido um Presidente de tal calibre.
Maisumavez, descanseem Paz, SuaEminência Richard Cardinal Baawobr: que Deus o recompense portodo o bem que semeou. Prometemoscontinuarosvossossonhos e planos.
January 13, 2023

Le Ghana a su honorer son illustre fils, qui a servi son pays, l'Afrique et le monde. Le SCEAM sera toujours fier d'avoir eu un président de cette trempe.
Encore une fois, repose en paix, Votre Eminence Richard Cardinal BAAWOBR ; que Dieu vous récompense pour toutes les bonnes graines que vous avez semées. Nous vous promettons de poursuivre vos rêves et vos projets.
January 13, 2023

Ghana knew how to honour its illustrious son, who served his country, Africa and the world. SECAM will always be proud to have had a President of such calibre.
Once again, Rest in Peace, His Eminence Richard Cardinal BAAWOBR; may God reward you for all the good seed you have sown. We promise to continue your dreams and plans.
January 2, 2023

A Igreja Família de Deus em África e Madagáscar recebeu com grande tristeza e profunda emoção a notícia da morte do Papa Emérito Bento XVI no sábado 31 de Dezembro de 2022.
January 2, 2023

L’Eglise Famille de Dieu en Afrique et Madagascar a accueilli avec beaucoup de tristesse et profonde émotion la nouvelle du décès du Pape émérite Benoît XVI survenu ce samedi 31 décembre 2022.
January 2, 2023

The Church Family of God in Africa and Madagascar welcomed with great sadness and deep emotion the news of the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on Saturday, December 31, 2022.
December 16, 2022

Christmas speaks God’s word to our broken, suffering world and his language is love. That fact will never change. The Bible teaches: “At many moments in the past and by many means, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets: but in our time, the final days, he has spoken to us in the person of his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things and through whom he made the ages” (Heb. 1:1-2). Emmanuel, God with us, is the consequence of God’s love.
Christmas says: Do more for families
December 15, 2022

Merry Christmas and Prosperous Year 2023 wishes from SECAM Secretariat.
December 13, 2022

A sessão de trabalho foi facilitada pelo Padre Giacomo Costa SJ, membro da Secretaria-Geral do Sínodo no Vaticano e apoiado pela Dra. A equipa, composta por leigos (adultos e jovens), consagrados (homens e mulheres) padres e bispos de países de língua inglesa, francesa e portuguesa envolveu-se numa conversa espiritual onde, entre outras coisas, atingiram quatro objetivos principais.
December 13, 2022

La séance de travail a été facilitée par le Rev.P. Giacomo Costa SJ, membre de la Secrétairerie Générale du Synode au Vatican et soutenu par Dr Philomena Mwaura. L’équipe, composée de laïcs (adultes et jeunes), de personnes consacrées (hommes et femmes), de prêtres et d’évêques de pays anglophones, français et lusophones, a engagé une conversation spirituelle où, entre autres, elle a atteint quatre objectifs principaux.
December 12, 2022

The working session was facilitated by Fr. Giacomo Costa SJ, a member of the General Secretariat of the Synodal at the Vatican and supported by Dr. Philomena Mwaura. The team, which was made up of lay persons (adults and young people), consecrated persons (men and women) priests and bishops from English, French and Portuguese speaking countries engaged in a spiritual conversation where, among other things, they achieved four main objectives.
December 7, 2022

African Synodality Continental Team Working Session1 is held in Accra, Ghana
A 2-Day Working Session on Theme: 'For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission' started on the 6th of December and will end on the 8th of December 2022
December 3, 2022

Secretary Generals shared continental experiences between and among themselves on their achievements, challenges and aspirations for the future and most especially the preparatory works toward the Synodal Continental Assembly during the two-day meeting in Rome.
November 30, 2022

HOME CALL: SECAM President, Richard Kuuia Cardinal Baawobr has begun his journey back to his maker
November 16, 2022

Climate change is a lived reality for millions of people across Africa and communities across the continent are suffering every day from increased frequency and intensity of droughts
November 16, 2022

Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) is an Association of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (composed of 8 regions) whose mission is to network and speak with one voice on matters pertaining to the Church in Africa.