March 21, 2025

The General Secretariat of the Synod has sent to all Bishops and Eparchs, and through them, to the whole “Holy People of God” entrusted to their […]
March 7, 2025

Celebrating Women: Rights, Equality and Empowerment Message of the Catholic Church in Africa for the International Women’s Day March 8, 2025 Today, we join the global […]
March 7, 2025

Missionaries of synodality in Rwanda Meeting of the Rwandan Bishops’ Conference Vatican, 7 March 2025 Press Release About fifty delegates (bishops, priests, men and women religious, […]
March 4, 2025

ADDIS ABABA DECLARATION BY RELIGIOUS, INTERFAITH, ETHICAL, AND SCIENTIFIC ORGANISATIONS ON REPARATIONS* We, the delegates participating in the Conference held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 […]
February 26, 2025

PRESS RELEASE Faith and Ethical Communities Unite to Champion Reparative Justice for Africans and People of African Descent Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, February 25, 2025 – […]
February 17, 2025

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him” (Rom 15:13) CHRIST, SOURCE OF HOPE, RECONCILIATION AND PEACE: […]
February 8, 2025

Statement from the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) on the Ongoing Conflict in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo Christ is our […]
October 14, 2024

“Modern martyrs, victims of the exploitation of mineral resources in Africa: Realities and perspectives of the outgoing Church”. This is the theme of a conference presented […]
September 23, 2024

A Call to Prayer, Reflection and Concrete Actions Statement from the Justice, Peace and Development Commission of SECAM 23 September 2024 Each year, the Season of […]
September 17, 2024

September 8, 2024

In Lomé, Togo, Catholic women religious from Africa met from 4 to 9 September to reflect on their empowerment and security. The Symposium of Episcopal Conferences […]
May 20, 2024

“Hope does not disappoint, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” (Roman 5:5) Message […]
April 26, 2024

PRESS BRIEFING TOWARDS OCTOBER 2024: “HOW CAN WE BE A SYNODAL CHURCH ON MISSION?’’ April 23-26, 2024 My dear brothers and sisters of ecclesial communication, As indicated […]
April 24, 2024

March 12, 2024

Accra (Ghana), March 11, 2024/SECAM – The Symposium of the Episcopal Conference of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) convened a pivotal seminar addressing the theme of “Conflicts […]
March 9, 2024

ACCRA, Ghana, March 6, 2024/SECAM – On the occasion of the celebration of the sixty-seventh anniversary of the independence of Ghana, His Eminence Fridolin Cardinal Ambongo-Besungu, […]
March 4, 2024
February 6, 2024

To you, the dear people of God in Africa and Europe, grace and peace, from us, the Bishops of the SECAM and CCEE delegations, gathered in […]
January 18, 2024

January 18, 2024

December 6, 2023

Resolutions and Recommendations from the 50th Anniversary of the Pan African Episcopal Committee for Social Communications (CEPACS) held at Lumen Christi Retreat and Media Centre, Lagos, […]
March 19, 2023

Le Symposium des Conférences Épiscopales d'Afrique et de Madagascar (SCEAM) et toute l'Église en Afrique expriment leur profonde joie à la nouvelle de la nomination de Mgr Lucio Andrice MUANDULA, premier vice-président du SCEAM, comme membre de la Commission préparatoire pour faciliter la tenue de la 16ème Assemblée Générale Ordinaire du Synode des Évêques, prévue en octobre 2023. Il s'agit d'une tâche de grande responsabilité ! En effet, il est demandé à cette commission d'encourager le processus continu de renouveau de toute l'Église catholique afin d'être une Église synodale, une Église de communion, de participation et de mission. L'Église d'Afrique et des Îles vous félicite, Excellence Monseigneur Lucio Andrice MUANDULA, et prie pour vous afin que votre mission soit couronnée de succès.
March 19, 2023

O Simpósio das Conferências Episcopais de África e Madagáscar (SCEAM) e toda a Igreja em África expressam profunda alegria com a notícia da nomeação do Rev. Lúcio Andrice MUANDULA, Primeiro Vice-Presidente do SCEAM, como membro da Comissão Preparatória para facilitar a realização da 16ª Assembleia Geral Ordinária do Sínodo dos Bispos, agendada para Outubro de 2023. Esta é uma tarefa de grande responsabilidade! Com efeito, esta comissão é convidada a promover o processo de renovação em curso de toda a Igreja Católica a fim de ser uma Igreja sinodal, uma Igreja de comunhão, participação e missão. A Igreja em África e as Ilhas felicita-o, Sua Excelência o Bispo Lucio Andrice MUANDULA e reza por si na conclusão bem sucedida da sua missão.
March 19, 2023

The Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) and the entire Church in Africa express deep joy at the news of the appointment of Most Rev. Lucio Andrice MUANDULA, who is First Vice-President of SECAM, as a member of the Preparatory Commission to facilitate the holding of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, scheduled for October 2023. This is a task of great responsibility! Indeed, this commission is asked to foster the ongoing process of renewal of the whole Catholic Church in order to be a synodal Church, a Church of communion, participation and mission. The Church in Africa and the Islands congratulate you, Your Excellency Bishop Lucio Andrice MUANDULA and pray for you in the successful completion of your mission.
March 15, 2023

Em nome da Igreja em África e das ilhas. Dou-vos os meus parabéns e votos de sucesso pela celebração do 10º aniversário da vossa missão petrina.
O Concílio de Cardeais foi criado para aconselhar o Papa sobre a governação da Igreja Universal, inspirando-se na profunda experiência local dos cardeais. O Continente Africano orgulha-se de ter o seu querido filho como membro deste Conselho Pontifício.
March 15, 2023

Au nom de l'Eglise d'Afrique et des Iles. Je vous présente mes félicitations et mes meilleurs vœux pour la célébration du 10ème anniversaire de votre mission pétrinienne.
Le Conseil des cardinaux a été créé pour conseiller le pape sur le gouvernement de l'Église universelle, en s'appuyant sur la profonde expérience locale des cardinaux. African Continent est fier de compter son cher fils parmi les membres de ce conseil papal.
March 13, 2023

On behalf of the Church in Africa and the Islands. I offer you my congratulations and best wishes for the celebration of the 10th anniversary of your petrine mission.
The Council of Cardinals was created to advise the Pope on the governance of the Universal Church, drawing on the cardinals’ deep local experience. African Continent is proud to have his dear son as member of this papal council.
March 13, 2023

Le Symposium des Conférences Épiscopales d’Afrique et de Madagascar (SCEAM) et toute l’Église en Afrique ont reçu avec une grande joie la nouvelle du renouvellement du mandat de Son Éminence, le Cardinal Ambongo, Archevêque de Kinshasa et Président du SCEAM.
Le Conseil des cardinaux a été créé pour conseiller le pape sur la gouvernance de l’Église universelle, en s’appuyant sur la profonde expérience locale des cardinaux. Le continent africain est fier d’avoir son cher fils comme membre de ce concile pontifical.
March 6, 2023

AFRICA SYNODAL CONTINENTAL ASSEMBLY Final Communiqué 1-6 March 2023 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia IN AFRICA, THE SYNOD IS ON! Introduction In union with the universal Church, […]
March 3, 2023

The Synodal Continental Assembly for Africa opened this morning in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) withthe Holy Mass presided by Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, Archbishop of Luxembourg and Relator General of the XVI General Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, who reminded that “Synod is not about power. It is not about democracy. It is about the Holy Spirit. It is about a Church which is open to the world. Its mission is to all humanity. It is a Church which knows how to pray. It is a Church in line with the Holy Spirit
March 3, 2023

I warmly andhappily welcome you to this Continental Assembly of the Synod on Synodality. I welcome you to Addis Ababa, the political capital of Africa (headquarter of the African Union). Welcome to Ethiopia, a historic and biblical country and cradle of inculturated Christianity.
We are here to celebrate together the continental phase of this ongoing Synod on Synodality, which in the words of Pope Francis is a “journey together, in order to experience a Church that receives and lives the gift of unity, and is open to the voice of the spirit” (Address of His Holiness Pope Francis for the Opening of the Synod, 9 Oct. 2021).We have come from all over Africa and beyond.
February 28, 2023

The Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) wishes to inform you of the gathering of delegates from across the continent and its islands for a Continental Synod Assembly which takes place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from the 1st to 6thMarch 2023. The about 200 Delegates to gather in Addis Ababa are: cardinals, archbishops, bishops, consecrated men and women, lay people (men, women and the youth), seminarians, novices and representatives of other faiths. They shall re-look at the issues that have emerged in the DCS, share their experiences and identify what strongly resonates with the lived experiences of the Church in Africa.
February 27, 2023

Le Symposium des Conférences Épiscopales d'Afrique et de Madagascar (SCEAM) souhaite vous informer du rassemblement des délégués de tout le continent et de ses îles pour une Assemblée Synodale Continentale qui aura lieu à Addis Abeba, Ethiopie, du 1er au 6 mars 2023. Les quelque 200 délégués qui se réuniront à Addis-Abeba sont : des cardinaux, des archevêques, des évêques, des hommes et des femmes consacrés, des laïcs (hommes, femmes et jeunes), des séminaristes, des novices et des représentants d'autres confessions. Ils examineront les questions qui ont émergé dans le DEC, partager ont leurs expériences et identifieront ce qui résonne fortement avec les expériences vécues par l'Église en Afrique.
February 27, 2023

O Simpósio das ConferênciasEpiscopais de África e Madagáscar (SECAM) desejainformar-vossobre a reunião de delegados de todo o continente e das suasilhas para uma Assembleia da fase continental do Sínodo que terálugaremAdisAbeba, Etiópia, de 1 a 6 de março de 2023. Oscerca de 200 delegados a reuniremAdisAbebasão: cardeais, arcebispos, bispos, consagrados e consagradas, leigos (homens, mulheres e jovens), seminaristas, noviços e representantes de outros credos. Elesdevemvoltaraolhar para as questões que surgiram no DTC, partilhar as suasexperiências e identificar o que ressoafortemente com as experiênciasvividas pela IgrejaemÁfrica.
February 18, 2023

Le Conseil présidentiel du SCEAM est recomposé en tenant compte de la représentation linguistique du SCEAM. (Français, Portugais et Anglais) Donc, actuellement, ce Conseil est le suivant :
Président : Fridolin Cardinal AMBONGO (République démocratique du Congo, RDC)
Premier Vice-président : Mgr Lucio Andrice MUANDULA (Mozambique)
Deuxième Vice-président : Mgr Stephen Dami MAMZA (Nigéria)
Trésorier : Mgr Gabriel Edoe kUMORDJI (GHANA)
February 17, 2023

SECAM Presidential Council is recomposed taking into consideration the SECAM linguistic representation.( French, Portuguese and English) So, currently, this Council is as follow:
President: Fridolin Cardinal AMBONGO (Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC)
First Vice-President: Most Rev. Lucio Andrice MUANDULA (Mozambique)
Second Vice-President: Most Rev. Stephen Dami MAMZA (Nigeria)
Treasurer: Most Rev. Gabriel Edoe kUMORDJI (GHANA)
February 6, 2023

A Áfricaestáfeliz e grata por esta 4ª visitaapostólica do Santo Padre aocontinente. De facto, através da suavisitaaestesdoispaíses (República Democrática do Congo e Sudão do Sul), a Áfricaviveudiasinesquecíveis com o Papa Francisco.
Maisumavez, elemostrou o grande amor que tem por África. Emborafrágil, quisviraténóscomoperegrino de esperança, e rezarconnosco pela paz, justiça e reconciliaçãoemÁfrica.
February 6, 2023

L'Afrique est heureuse et reconnaissante pour cette 4ème visite apostolique du Saint Père sur le continent. En effet, à travers sa visite dans ces deux pays (République Démocratique du Congo et Sud Soudan), l'Afrique a vécu des jours inoubliables avec le Pape François.
Une fois de plus, il a montré le grand amour qu'il porte à l'Afrique. Bien que fragile, il a voulu venir vers nous comme un pèlerin de l'espoir, et prier avec nous pour la paix, la justice et la réconciliation en Afrique.
February 6, 2023

Africa is happy and grateful for this 4th apostolic visit of the Holy Father to the continent. In fact, through his visit to these two countries (Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan), Africa experienced unforgettable days with Pope Francis.
Once again, he showed the great love that he has for Africa. Even though frail, he wanted to come to us as a pilgrim of hope, and to pray with us for peace, justice and reconciliation in Africa.
February 1, 2023

Le Saint-Père vient en pèlerin de paix et de réconciliation dans toute l’Afrique et en particulier en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et au Soudan du Sud, deux pays qui ont subi toutes sortes de violences, avec des milliers de personnes déplacées. Avec le pape François, l’Afrique consacrera près d’une semaine de prière pour la paix et la réconciliation.
Ce voyage apostolique est tout à fait unique puisqu’il s’agit également de la première visite papale dans le plus jeune pays du monde, le Soudan du Sud. Il est également unique pour une autre raison: c’est la première fois qu’un pape visite un pays avec l’archevêque de Canterbury et le modérateur de l’Église d’Écosse.
January 31, 2023

O Santo Padre vemcomoperegrino de paz e reconciliação a toda a África e em particular à República Democrática do Congo (RDC) e ao Sul do Sudão, doispaíses que têmvindo a sofrertodo o tipo de violência, com milhares de pessoasdeslocadas. Com o Papa Francisco, a Áfricadedicaráquaseumasemana de oração pela paz e pela reconciliação.
Estaviagemapostólica é muito singular, umavez que esta é também a primeiravisita papal aomaisrecentepaís do mundo, o Sudão do Sul. É tambémúnica por outrarazão: é a primeiravez que um Papa visita um paísjuntamente com o Arcebispo de Cantuária e Moderador da Igreja da Escócia.
January 31, 2023

The Holy Father comes as a pilgrim of peace and reconciliation to all of Africa and in particular in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan, two countries that have been suffering every kind of violence, with thousands of displaced people. With Pope Francis, Africa will dedicate almost one week of prayer for peace and reconciliation.
This apostolic journey is very unique since this is also the first Papal Visit to the world’s newest country, South Sudan. It is also unique for another reason: it is the first time that a Pope visits a country together with the Archbishop of Canterbury and Moderator of the Church of Scotland.
South Sudan will witness the visit of Pope Francis, the Archbishop Justin Welby and Rt. Rev. Dr. Iain Greenshields, who together will hold anEcumenical Celebration for peace, reconciliation, social justice and interfaith dialogue in South Sudan.
We pray for the success of this special apostolic visit.
January 26, 2023

On the first day of this session, the participants who came from all the regions that comprise SECAM took some time to share their experiences of the work done at home following the first working session,which took place from 6th to 9th December in Accra (Ghana).Some difficulties were noted especially in understanding the synod process and how to use the method of spiritual conversation. However, as time passes especially after this second session, some improvements are visible.
One of the important moments of this Session has been the reflection anew on the Document for the Continental Stage (DCS) which was sent to the Universal Church by the General Secretariat of the Synod in October 2022. In that document, the General Secretariat calls the Church to engage with an open mind in a process of prayerful listening and dialogue hence spiritual discernment as they interact with the issues raised in the DCS. This would allow the participants to deepen their knowledge of this valuable instrument of this continental Synodal journey.
The presentation of the draft of the African Synod Document was another no less important moment of this meeting here in Nairobi. The new elements gathered from the reports of the work done at home and the reflection on the Document of the Continental Stage enriched this draft, which is still work in progress.
Another great moment of this meeting was a presentation, discussion and approval of the programme of the Continental Synodal Plenary Assembly which will take place during the first week of March 2023, in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia). Before the discussion of the programme, participants wanted to be sure that the delegates to the African Plenary Assembly represent all of Africa, the Islands and all the African realities.
January 25, 2023

Biblical Center for Africa and Madagascar (BICAM) based in Nairobi, Kenya is one of the vibrant departments under the Commission for Evangelization with the aim of making information concerning the Biblical Apostolate available to the Christian faithful as well as making the Word of God known, loved and lived in the continent of Africa. The Head of department, Fr. Albert Ngengi Mundele has organized a Seminar on Re-Launching the Biblical Apostolate in Africa in Nairobi, Kenya from 19–21 January 2023.The participants were Bible scholars and experts including bishops, priests and religious. During the two-day workshop, the participants shared their experiences on the biblical apostolate through group discussions and conferences.
January 24, 2023

Esta Segunda Sessão é para continuar a ouvir-se mutuamente e ao Espírito Santo, uma viagem que verá a equipa a retrabalhar o Documento Continental Africano Sinodal com os novos conhecimentos que vieram das igrejas locais e também para discutir um possível programa para a reunião do Sínodo Continental Africano, que está agendada para a primeira semana de Março de 2023 em Adis-Abeba, Etiópia.
January 24, 2023

Cette deuxième session a pour but de continuer à s'écouter les uns les autres et à écouter l'Esprit Saint, un voyage qui verra l'équipe retravailler sur le Document Synodal Continental Africain avec les nouvelles idées qui sont venues des Eglises locales et aussi pour discuter d'un programme possible pour la réunion du Synode Continental Africain, qui est prévue pour la première semaine de mars 2023 à Addis-Abeba, Ethiopie.
January 24, 2023

This Second Session is to continue listening to one another and the Holy Spirit, a journey that will see the team to rework on the African Synodal Continental Document with the new insights that have come from the local churches and also to discuss a possible program for the African Continental Synod gathering, which is scheduled for the first week of March 2023 in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia.