Angola Hosts Luanda International Theological Week
Vatican Radio || By Anastácio Sasembele || 09 February 2017
The just-ended 1st Luanda International Theological Week in Angola has been described as a success. The event which brought together theologians from around the world was in particular attended by Rectors of Theological Seminaries in Angola, Professors of the Faculty of Theology at the Universidade Católica de Angola (UCAN), priests, pastors of Christian Churches in Angola, academicians and researchers. Also in attendance were senior seminarians in their 4th year of Theology.
The theme of the Theological Week was, “Theology in the face of today’s challenges in Africa.”
During discussions and presentations, Theologians sought to reflect on what Theology has to say about some challenges facing the continent of Africa today such as, wars, hunger, disease and youth unemployment.
One of the keynote speakers at the event was Diocesan priest from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Father Bénézet Bujo. Fr. Bujo is a leading Theologian and a Professor Emeritus of Moral Theology at the University of Fribourg. He spoke about Jesus Christ as “Our Ancestor” and as the “Ancestor Par Excellence” or Jesus the “Proto-Ancestor.”
The Archbishop emeritus of Huambo, in Angola, Francisco Vitti hailed the conference as a success.
In his closing remarks, the Archbishop of Luanda, Archbishop Filomeno do Nascimento Vieira Dias, congratulated participants on the high level of reflections and presentations. He recommended the deepening of themes discussed.
Source: Vatican Radio…